Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Center forHumanities and Information

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Megan Poole

Megan Poole

Megan Poole


While traditional rhetorics of science—a subfield within rhetoric and composition—unravel the logic and argumentation of scientific discourse, this project confronts the non-rational, aesthetic elements of scientific inventional practices and prose that have been ushered in by women artist-scientists to expand what can be considered rhetorical about scientific knowledge making. At stake in studying these aesthetic elements of science is a reevaluation of the limits of science and art through the inclusion of previously discounted perspectives as well as a diversification in what can be considered the elements of scientific argument. If, as has been suggested, art is a tool of science, this project argues that aesthetics is an epistemological cornerstone of scientific invention, one integral to its logic, its data, its “objectivity.”