Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Center forHumanities and Information

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Faculty Fellowships

Faculty Fellowships

The CHI Faculty Fellows program is sponsored by the Center, the College of the Liberal Arts, and the University Libraries. This program supports faculty research in the humanities leading toward major projects (a significant publication, a grant proposal, etc.). It will provide up to six faculty members with one semester release from teaching and a $1,000 mini-grant for research expenses and/or materials. No office space will be provided; Fellows are expected to use their departmental offices.

Fellows are expected to be at University Park during most of their funded term, and to participate in the Center’s colloquia and public lectures. Projects with an interdisciplinary focus and/or that have the potential to attract external funding are especially encouraged. Faculty who wish to submit a collaborative application with an applicant for another CHI program (the predoctoral or visiting fellowships) should indicate so on their application