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Center forHumanities and Information

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Bonnie Mak

Bonnie Mak

Bonnie Mak


Bonnie Mak is an associate professor at the University of Illinois, jointly appointed in the Graduate School for Library and Information Science and the Program in Medieval Studies. At the Center for Humanities and Information, she will develop her book-length project, Confessions of a 21st-Century Memsahib, a critique of the digital materials with which scholarship is increasingly conducted. She will also continue her collaboration with graphic designers and librarians on a project, Designing an Argument: A Collaboration in Scholarly Publication, that tests the boundaries of scholarly publication by articulating a complex humanistic argument in the language of scientific diagrams. Mak’s research interests include manuscript, print, and digital cultures; the cultural production and circulation of knowledge; manuscript studies; book history; medieval and early modern collecting; and the history of archives and libraries. Her first book, How the Page Matters (2011), examines the interface of the page as it is developed across time, geographies, and technologies. She has been the recipient of grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Newberry Consortium for Renaissance Studies, and the Huntington Library.