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Emmanuel Bruno Jean-Francois

Emmanuel Bruno Jean-Francois

Emmanuel Bruno Jean-Francois


Emmanuel Bruno Jean-François is Assistant Professor of French & Francophone Studies, and Comparative Literature at The Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of Poétiques de la violence et récits francophones contemporains (Brill, 2017) and has published numerous articles in scholarly journals such as the PMLA, the International Journal of Francophone StudiesNouvelles études francophones, and Lettres romanes. Jean-François has recently co-edited a special issue of Cultural Dynamics on“The Minor in Question.” He is currently working on a second monograph, titled Indian Ocean Creolization: Empires and Insular Cultures. The project is an interdisciplinary study of creolization and networks of solidarities in the southwestern Indian Ocean; it examines how “insular” histories and cultures are contact zones that can have a direct bearing on our apprehension of larger processes within imperial dynamics.