Jamie Henton

Jamie Henton is a sixth-year Ph.D. candidate in the History Department at Penn State, advised by Dr. Christina Snyder. Jamie's dissertation, “Assimilating the Masses: An Examination of Native American Education from the Indian New Deal through Termination, 1930-1970," explores how the Office of Indian Affairs pursued the education of Native American children after they promised to end assimilation efforts under new Commissioner of Indian Affairs John Collier. Paying close attention to federal Indian policy, education materials, and Native response, Jamie’s work highlights how assimilation efforts did not end under Commissioner Collier but thrived under new education programming. Jamie's is also currently co-authoring an article on the criminalization of whooping in Indian Territory. Her research interests include topics in Native American and African American environmental history, race relations between Black and Native peoples in the segregated South, and Native American education.